The New and Unique Direct to Rail Capability

The new passenger trains for the Sydney network arrived at Port of Newcastle recently. This will allow them to take advantage of the port’s direct connections to the New South Wales rail networks. Let’s take a closer look at this complicated system.   A Delicate Operation When the general cargo vessel AAL Hong Kong arrived

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How Construction Logistics Plan to Adapt

The COVID-19 pandemic impact is likely to affect every industry for a long time to come, so adaptability in these trying times is critical. The logistics sector is taking this seriously. Let us explore how the haulage sector might evolve in the years to come, and how construction logistics plan to adapt to meet the

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The Mission To Seafarers Support Campaign

The Mission to Seafarers has been keeping track of the needs of seafarers through a new digital support system called “Chat to a Chaplain”. Let us take a closer look at the Seafarers Happiness Index.   Keep the Morale Up With the pandemic still very much affecting the entire world, seafarers are suffering. Constantly evolving

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Considering Logistics When Reallocating Road Space

One of the UK’s largest business groups, the FTA, is asking for clarity from the government on the use of road space for logistics movements. Guidelines were published for post-COVID-19 travel, but they did not contain recommendations for the sector. The Head of Urban Policy for the FTA, Natalie Chapman, claims the published plans overlook

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FTA COVID-19 Good Practice Guide

The FTA and The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) have launched a document sharing practical advice forum called the Good Practice Guide for COVID-19. This guide will offer practical advice on how transport operators and logistic businesses can reopen their operations safely and quickly as the world emerges from lockdown. Here’s a closer

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Investing in Technology During Times of Uncertainty

COVID-19 has created many challenges for the logistics industry. Businesses of all sizes are currently finding great ways to use technology in order to overcome these challenges. Thanks to a wide range of technological advances, many logistics companies are investing in technology to not only help during a situation like this, but also moving forward

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FTA Launches Forum to Support Industry

The business group representing the entire logistics center, the FTA, has launched an online platform to support businesses throughout the COVID-19 crisis. This will allow the FTA to see areas of the logistics industry that require help, and the specifics that may help. Let’s take a closer look.   FTA’s Reasons for Forming the Platform

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Logistics Tech to Expect as Soon as 2020

New technology is changing the landscape of so many businesses across Europe. All the changes are causing uncertainty about what these tech advances will do to the industry. Here’s a closer look at what logistics tech to expect as soon as 2020.   AI and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning will bring

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Amazing Individuals with 3D Printers are Helping The Fight Against Coronavirus

The current COVD-19 outbreak has required the need for a lot of supplies, especially personal protection equipment (PPE). Incredibly, people with 3D printers were able to help by creating supplies when they were in need. Below are just a few stories of some pretty remarkable individuals!   New Albany Grad 3D Prints Face Shields One

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Devil in the Details of Brexit says FTA

The Brexit situation has caused a lot of confusion in industries all over the world. The logistics industry may be the top contender for this uncertainty. But as they say, “The devil is in the details.” Let’s take a closer look at the details.   The FTA Steps Up The FTA is the only business

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